Coping with life: When are you truly organised?

Are you coping?

An interesting question isn’t it?

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak to a very intelligent, successful woman at a high level in her career. We spoke about organisation and I let slip some of my preconceived ideas; ‘if the house is not organised, then the person might not be coping with the demands of their lives’. She put me straight in no uncertain terms; ‘who is to say that people aren’t coping because their house is not spic and span?’

Lady thinking on her bed with coffee and notebook

A question to you when are you truly organised?

This leads us to a whole area of questions and ideas surrounding organisation. When are you truly organised? Is it when you have nothing out of place in your house when dishes are done, laundry is folded and washed, and no piece of paper lives on your desk? Or is it when you manage to get the kids to school (dressed), when you are doing a pretty good job at work and overall your family is happy and healthy living their day-to-day lives. They are happy; give or take the messy table, a night when you need last minute take away. Or the week you are behind with laundry because either your work or the weather throws a spanner in our fantastic organisational laundry system.

The answer to being truly organised

So maybe the answer to being organised is; it depends. It depends, on how organised you want to be. What is important to you, in terms of what you would like to spend most of your time on? And it depends on the standards you set for yourself. Just because you are behind with laundry and the dishes, is not necessarily a sign that you are not coping. It shows live is happening and we had other priorities. Perfectionists and somewhat judgemental people like myself can really get themselves in a knot this way. Irrespective of our standards and our preferred level of organisation we can never be 100 % organised, as life is in constant motion and we have to just ride the waves as we encounter them.

So this week let’s not be so judgemental about others but especially ourselves. Accept what you can do in terms of being organised, celebrate the areas you have excelled in and be kind to yourself when you might not be as organised as you would like to be.

Go on your own Organising Journey

The amount of time, energy and resources we have available to get organised depends on our stage in life. At some stages you are simply coping with life, at others you might consider yourself truly organised (if that even is a thing).

I have books, organising courses on Home and Paperwork Organising or a combined membership for if and when you want to organise your life a little more.


Getting organised at the end of financial year


Do the ‘crab walk’ and clear your desk