How to organise keys
Organising keys is a great small project when you are just getting started with organising. In standard organising every item needs a “home” meaning a place it lives when it is not in use. This is super important for keys. It doesn’t matter exactly where and how you organise your keys as long as you have a space for them.
You could use a:
Basket in a drawer
Spot on the clothes stand
The easiest is a spot near the entrance with your wallet, phone, sunglasses and the likes.
How to organise keys when you have lots of them
Before we wrap up let’s dive back into keys for just a little bit, especially if you need to learn how to organise keys when you have lots of them.
For home keys
If they look like each other have the keys made in different colours or add a colour ring to the top of them. This way you can simply remember that blue is for the front door and red is for the back door.
Organisations with keys
I once worked for an organisation in which over twenty staff had to go to different locations. The number of keys was enormous.
What we did was buy a whole bag of tags, then we placed keys into a subgroup with a specific colour, we added a detailed label to each tag (and key) with a label maker for consistency.
We set up a big wooden board with hooks in them which would be the home of each key (a corresponding name to that tag was on the board). It was easy to see at a glance which key was out and which was there. It saved most staff 5 minutes looking for the right key x 20 staff x days this would happen. Through a relatively simple organising system the organisation saved hours of payroll which could be spent on better things. Not to mention they saved the stress and effort when a key went missing.
Final ideas to organise your keys
If you can’t keep some keys at home and you need a number of them keep them in different groupings only grab the keys you need at that particular point in time.
If you have a number of home keys you want to keep organised maybe opt for the Orbit key, which is easy to put in your bag or pocket.
As I have a chunky car key on my keys I opted for a good quality outdoor D-ring this allows me to clip my keys on a ring in my bag and I’ll always know where they are.
This is all for now on how to organise keys add your "key findings and tips" to the pintrest board.
As the saying goes the keys are now in your hands!
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