What do you like and dislike about the items in your home?
My daughter and I played a little game the other day as we were waiting on our coffees, we made a list of what we liked about each other. We came up with a whole list of very nice things that we really liked. It could be something the other person did, made, or simply how they were as a person.
What items do I like and dislike at home?
This got me thinking about our homes and the items in it.
Do we ever ask ourselves what it is we like about the spaces we live and work in?
A while ago I was suggesting a two-week stop on purchasing new items for our homes. In this article, we can extend it.
Why not look at your surroundings and see what you like and don't like?
Honour, the items you like and give them the space they deserve. Question the items you don't like and see why it is you don't like them.
We had a pile of clothes in the cupboard which I didn't like as they were all too small for the children, so off they went to the secondhand shop, this in turn creates a flow and lets things move through your house.
Looking for common themes across the like and dislike items in your home
Maybe you also find out that there is a strong common theme of things you don't like. One of my dislikes is having items scattered around the place and not in their homes, knowing the reason for my dislike and frustration makes it relatively easy to resolve.
Let’s ‘unpack’ this
In my first book “Organising Unpacked” I walk you through the basics of Decluttering and Organising.
Surround yourself by things you like
Once you have worked on the likes and don't likes of your home or office space surround yourself with all the things you like and enjoy what you have - rather than fixating on something you don't like or don't have. Doing this little exercise will save you money and in general should make you feel good.
Note: part of this article was originally an Illawarra mercury article updated and refreshed in 2023