How to declutter?

You want to learn how to declutter, let’s get started. “Declutter” is a very big topic in itself. As with the other broad topic covered in this website, I will give you the basic rundown about the topic how to declutter and decluttering on this page.

I then provide more narrowed and specific page links from this page. In order to be organised, I suggest that you first declutter, then clean and once that’s done, you can organise. It might not always work in this order, but I suggest this as an overall default order.

Is there a difference between decluttering and organising?

  • Definition of declutter by Sabine Straver (Professional Organiser in Australia))


    I would define decluttering as the removal of items you no longer need and want. Decluttering has different levels and at different stages of life, you will declutter to a lesser or greater extent, depending on what your needs are.

  • Definition of organising by Sabine Straver (Professional Organiser in Australia))


    Organising, on the other hand, is finding or creating a clear, uncluttered, easy (organised) place where you keep the belongings you decide to hold onto. Overall life and the accumulation of items flows.

  • Step - by - step decluttering

  • 1. Pick small area

  • 2. Set a time limit

  • 3. Sort through items.

  • 4. Clean Up.

  • 5. Have a reward.

Below are the points explained in a bit more detail:

  • It is better to finish 1 shelve, than to mess up a full cupboard and the area around it.

  • We do not want to get burned out by overdoing our decluttering session, for most people this is a taxing task. Small solid regular progress is best.

  • The starting point with decluttering is asking ourselves, what to throw or give away and what we will keep. Unfortunately this process is not that straight forward.