Here’s How To Double your Productivity Whilst Cutting Your Stress Level In Half In The Next 7 Days
Simply By Organising The Space Around You!
Use the time-tested principles in the Essence of Clarity method to Declutter and Organise Your Spaces, to stop the overwhelmed, and Stress the Feeling you are not Doing As Well as you Know you Can Both at Home and at Work.
From Sabine Straver
Hi, Future Organised Rockstar,
Do you ever find that you do so much busy work during the day? And despite sometimes putting in a 7, 8 - 9 hour shift, you feel you haven’t accomplished much?
Or sometimes when you have to find that special notepad with all your ideas in it, you simply can’t find it. You look in every drawer, under every folder and it remains hidden in clutter.
Maybe you get to the end of the day feeling completely exhausted but have nothing to show for it.
Do you want to
Do Less Busy Work at Home and in Your Career?
Find the Things You Need Fast?
Feel a sense of Peace and Achievement at the end of the Day when you Arrive Home Tired?
I can help you with that….
Here is the secret
“You don’t need to Colour coordinate everything. Fold every piece of clothing just right. There is no need to say Thank You to your Junk or become a Minimalist overnight.
You just need a method that will help you Get and Stay Organised
I found myself in a Two Bedroom Apartment, with a Toddler, a New Born and a Troubled Relationship. Facing a Roach infestation (from my downstairs neighbour) that forced me to look at every item in my Home and get Organised.
I live in a 4 bedroom home, with Two Teenagers, and a lovely man, we are an active family with surfing, skiing and other sports. I work Full-Time, Run a Business and am Doing a PhD. My house is (mostly) tidy.
The difference?
The way that most people declutter is by getting fed up with their space in which clutter is simply piling up. Then once in so many months, they declutter for 2 days, feel overwhelmed and abandon the project. They could have spent that time either being very deliberate about improving their house, simply relaxing, doing something with the kids or enjoying a favourite hobby.
Over time, I have found not only How to Declutter and Organise Everything in my House and I Learned how to keep it that way. After the initial set-up, it can be done in the small pockets of time during the day and week. It will allow you to relax, be better at your job, not worry about your stress levels getting out of control and simply enjoying the space you live in.
Over time people asked me to help them declutter and organise their own homes and Offices. I set up my business “The Essence of Clarity” and went to people’s houses for several years, removing clutter, streamlining furniture and systems and making their spaces look neat and organised.
It Turned out the Process was almost identical for each Space.
Whether you have:
Too many clothes.
A family
A big house.
A small house with little storage
Or simply haven’t decluttered for years.
“I had Found The Principles that not only get you Organised but Keep you this Way”.
I have put all this Knowledge in a book for You to start Using so you can Get Organised Today!
Obviously, I can’t promise that by reading your book your spaces will Transform overnight. It Takes alot of Hard Work to Declutter and Organise your stuff in the First Place and once that is done, it takes Diligence to Stay that Way (I still need to work on the last one as well!). The Principles However Do Not Change you can go Back to them Time and Time Again.

Need to get organised?
Join the organised living community.Get the Secret to Organising, a FREE mini-course to help you get organised.
“Over several weeks I got help with a range of different rooms in the house. My house and mind have transformed. I can't believe why I didn't do this earlier.”
“Sabine helped create a flow in our kitchen. I now know what we have in our kitchen and keeping it clean and organised is so much easier.”
“I learned all about the skillset that can be involved when organising. I have all these great ideas but it is about how to put these things into action. I really enjoyed the relaxed way Sabine goes about explaining these ideas.”
“The garage was a mess. We got the help of Sabine and removed the items we didn't want or need any longer. We bought some shelving and colour-coordinated boxes (for the kid's toys, water sports, garden items etc.) The result has been fantastic. Both I and my wife like walking around in the garage these days.”
“Sabine helped clear my daughter's bedroom. She respected the things I wasn't able to discard yet whilst organising her room and wardrobe. It is so much easier to find things.”
“My wardrobe / clothes room was organised in two days work which is amazing as my job entails fashion.”
“A significant learning during the program and through the system you provided is the change in behaviour, is my awareness that there are some things I need to do more regularly - to maintain an organised space.
This includes taking the various types of rubbish out, laundry, dusting/washing the floor, and checking/cleaning the fridge.
I have also been more rigorous about dishwashing and putting things away - closing the loop. This is one of the most important aspects of the course for me - learning that the 'right' way to do something is to finish all of it.”
(Long Term Customer)
“A weight has been lifted off me and I literally open my drawers and the closets to admire the work!”
“Sabine took on the seemingly impossible task of turning our piles of paperwork into a very manageable structured framework which is now easily understandable and logical. We have a few investment properties and self-managed super fund so keeping our paperwork organised is very important from the tax-return perspective.
What is the most impressive is that Sabine delved into the labyrinth or our finances and tax return requirements and came up with a system that is idiot proof and at the same time allows us to progress through the financial years with ease without leaving a growing stagnant pile of paper that gathers dust. Sabine’s intellectual ability to cut through issues and her practical ways of problem solving makes the whole process more than just a session to help us tidy up, but rather a lesson in how to approach problems laterally.
She also made sure that we totally understood the system that she helped us create by making us practise filing so that by the time she left we were able to do it ourselves. Finally no questions is too curly for Sabine and she gave her all to answer them to our satisfaction.”
(Repeat Customer)
Get the book and learn the Essence of Clarity System to have an Organised Home and Paperwork that will support your Life!
The book is called How to Declutter and Organise your Home and Paperwork because it is easy to know what to do but you need to know HOW to do it.
It is the price is $9.99 basically the cost of a standard daily coffee addiction.
🔥 Hurry ! Sale is only for a limited time
It contains my 10+ years of knowledge and gives you the Essence of Clarity System I have used time and time again for years with my clients. The aim is to help you on your journey towards organised living, the principles are you forever and maybe if you need more help we’ll end up working together in the future. The book is digital but if you are like me you can print it and get it bound for a few dollars and your local office shop. (If enough of you tell me you want print I see what I can do).
It contains my 10+ years of knowledge and gives you the Essence of Clarity System I have used time and time again for years with my clients. The aim is to help you on your journey towards organised living, the principles are you forever and maybe if you need more help we’ll end up working together in the future. The book is digital but if you are like me you can print it and get it bound for a few dollars and your local office shop. (If enough of you tell me you want print I see what I can do).
*** The book is digital but if you are like me you can print it and get it bound for a few dollars and your local office shop. (If enough of you tell me you want to print I see what I can do).
The basics of Organising and Decluttering
The book is broken up into Four Big sections:
Why you need an Organising system (Part 1)
Getting Organised (Part 2)
Dealing with Papers (Part 3)
Make sure the Rubber hits the road and you start your Decluttering and Organising (Part 4)
Creating your Organising and Decluttering missions (Chapter 3)
Understanding the Key that Unlocks Big Benefits (Chapter 4)
You’ll find out what you need before you start (Chapter 5)
The Getting Organised Sequence will be revealed (Chapter 6)
You’ll learn how to Declutter (Chapter 7)
The step-by-step reveal of Organising (Chapter 8)
How to maintain all your Decluttering and Organising handy work (Chapter 10)
You’ll learn the full process of both Electronic and Paperbased information (Chapter 11)
There are several chapters helping you become a paperwork, Ninja!
You will create a plan of where you’ll start to Declutter (Chapter 18)
How to run your first Organising Session (Chapter 19)
This Method Works Even If you are Busy, and have Many Other Demands on your Time.
You might be thinking that you’ll need to Spend Days Decluttering and organising in order to get That Feeling that You Are Getting Organised but actually...
A little time every day or a Couple of Days based on a Clear Decluttering and Organising Plan can get you there. Plus from Day One you’ll have the endorphins running and the physical Proof in your living spaces, that You Can and Are Getting Organised.
This is why I’m so excited to be sharing this OFFER with you today!
A Guide on Your Declutter and Organising Journey - a 15-Minute Video.
I Want to be There with You as you Start this Process just like I have been there for All my clients when I visited them in their Homes. In this video, I’ll talk you Through the Process, and the Ups and there are many as well as some of the challenges You might face.
A 6-Week Video Series Getting Organised in Less than 5 Minutes A Day
This helps keep your Focus Regular on Decluttering and Organising with the result you will do more, know more and be more effective when you have your Bigger Sessions. I Want You to Get Every Advantage to Gain Momentum with Your Organising Efforts.
Try the OFFER and the bonuses for 1 full year.
As you can tell I am passionate about this space I have Been Able to Create.
If, for some reason, you don’t find them useful I’ll refund you the full $9,99. Just send me an email explaining why You Didn’t find it useful and we’ll refund you within 30 Days.
To your Organised Future!
See you on the inside,
P.S. Recap of this super long page for those
who hate reading or “ain’t got time for this”:
I learned the Principles of How to Get Organised with Your Home and Admin.
These principles have been tested through working with clients as a Professional Organiser for more than a decade.
For just $9.99 you can get the book explaining the system I use to help people Declutter, Organise and stay this way.
If you get the book today I’ll give you two extra bonuses: “A Guide on Your Declutter and Organising Journey - a 15-Minute Video” and “A 3 Month Video Series Getting Organised in Less than 5 Minutes A Day”
You can try the book and bonuses for 1 full year. If you don’t like them for whatever unlikely reason let us know what the problem was and we’ll refund you the $9.99
I am a typical overachiever. Currently, I work full-time, run an online- business, have a family and study for my PhD. I like looking for the most amount of benefit for the least amount of effort (which means you invest a lot at the start but reap rewards for a long time after). I am not passionate about the actual process of organising but it helps me get the stuff done that I am passionate about. Organising makes my home more comfortable and me more relaxed.
In my spare time, I love variety and being active as a family, we like to go out surfing, ski, do karate and do yoga.
One of my key values is that if you can help others with the things you have learned, and the skills you have acquired over time, you need to pay it forward. That’s why I am here with you today.