Be organised in case of an emergency

We all know Murphy's law; ‘if it can go wrong, it will’, might have potentially set in with a vengeance - it has for me.  A few years ago I had a week started with some fire training, moved to a car that wouldn’t start, and ended with a stint in the emergency department.

Emergency light

All these events got me thinking, how prepared are we for the unexpected and can you organise some of this? The simple answer is that of course you can organise yourself to support and facilitate the process when an emergency occurs. This won’t make the actual event any less dramatic or stressful, it will however make things during and after the emergency just that little bit easier.

So after some contemplation on how to organise yourself to be prepared in an emergency, here are some thoughts. The list is not exhaustive but it will get you started:

  • Have a first aid kit in the car and at home

  • Have an extinguisher at home and in the car

  • Make sure you have a clear record of your doctor, roadside assistance, after-hours support, and the standard emergency contacts in your phone.

  • Teach your children what to do in the event of an emergency - this could save your own life one day.

At my place, we have made a little note, and laminated it and I have taught the kids what to do in an emergency. I now also know how to put out a fire and already have some basic first aid. Of course, like anyone else, I hope to never have to use these plans and skills. However, when an emergency does occur these things will help me to stay cool calm, collected and to be organised admits the chaos that life sometimes throws our way.

Note: part of this article was originally an Illawarra mercury article updated and refreshed in 2023

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