Organised people have a Backup plan

Do you have a backup? If you do, this is fantastic, you might not even know you have a backup, because backups or plan B’s often go unnoticed until they are not there. 

Backup your house key

Last week I had this sinking feeling; time went in slow motion, my senses heightened. Very clearly I heard this sound; “click”, that was the sound of the front door and I was outside without a key. You only tend to do this a couple of times. I found out last year, that my friends were only accommodating a number of times and my budget could only handle a call out to the locksmith once a year, so this time around the whole scenario became a non-event as I had a backup.

Lady doing back ups in the gym

Backup computer data

Another biggie for backups is your computer data. I am obviously a product of my time, but if my information is not stored somewhere in the cloud I don’t feel it is secure. After all computers break down, hard drives mall function or the last time you backed up data to the hard drive was six months ago. At least in the cloud, I know, no matter what my devices are doing and how long they will be with me, the data is secure, up to date and retrievable anywhere, if I so chose.

What are your backup plans?

This week’s question is; what are your backup plans? Keys and information are some of the big ones. What about copies of important documents like passports, birth certificates, all your photos of when the kids were small? It is one of the more unglamorous jobs of organising to have a plan B that nobody sees and knows about and when used it becomes a non-event. But think about the other alternative; being locked out of the house or losing years’ worth of data. For me the price of no backup plan is too high. So, this week I urge you to take charge and create some backup plans in your life.

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