Moving house a great way to declutter

declutter when moving

I have recently moved house and it is as they say one of the big stresses in life, even if you are extremely organised. There is new furniture to buy, the much needed white goods and not to mention a heater with this weather. It is a costly and busy period in life. My normal electronic to-do-lists went out of the window and were replaced by scattered notes through the places where we left our bags.

What I found extremely helpful in this time was that most of my paperwork is electronic and therefore easy to find no matter where I was. I also found a budget imperative, you need to know how much you are spending what is coming up and based on this you can prioritise what needs to be bought first. What you should skimp or bargain on and what is not as important as we think. I refer to the one night without heathers and warm water, this puts things in perspective at least it did so for me.

Make deliberate decisions when moving house

Another great thing about moving is that you can decide to only let items you truly like enter your new home and your new life. Don’t settle for the second best, if at all possible only get things you truly like based on their, level of comfort, colour, or style that suits your taste. It is easy to get a mix and match of items and to rough it, which of course is great to do when you are in your twenties. When you are like me, becoming a bit older, you want your sense of style, comfort, and way of doing things strongly reflected in your home. It should be a place of peace, relaxation and a spot for the simple joys in life - only you can make it this way. You have every right on this, it is your house and you should be comfortable in it, after all, you are the one in charge.  

Stay organised after moving house

Note: part of this article was originally an Illawarra mercury article in 2014 updated and refreshed in 2023


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