Don’t feel like tidying up?
What can you do when you just really don’t feel like cleaning up or tidying?
I think one of the reasons why we are not as neat, organised and seemingly competent at home as at work, is that at home if we just don’t feel like it, nobody can tell us what to do and the consequences of not cleaning up are initially limited. To a certain extent we are still acting like rebellious teenagers, the only problem is mum doesn’t nag us (as much) about keeping our spaces neat and tidy.
In the long run however, not cleaning and tidying has major consequences. Here are some tips and tricks you can apply that will make it easier for you to keep things tidier and cleaner.
Do your chores at the same time and day each week.
Wear enclosed shoes, (this is a fly lady trick), when wearing shoes we are somehow more switched on to do some work.
Put on some music on and sing and dance your way to a cleaner and tidier house. Pick something you can sing and dance along to, something upbeat or energetic.
Have a reward! This is one of my most important tips. It can be anything a cup of tea, sitting with a nice book or magazine or going to a cafe for a cuppa or a walk outside. This is non-negotiable - you have to do the reward, to make a positive association with cleaning and tidying.
Get the kids involved and do a race with a 2 or 5 min timer
Under achieve, it is better to under achieve everyday rather than not achieve something at all for a number of days in a row and do a binge clean – accumulation of small actions is something very powerful.
Buy a headset for your phone. My parents are overseas so I am happily having a 2 hour chat to my mum whilst cleaning my house. When I get off the phone I am amazed at what happened to the house.
What are your tips to tidy up when you don’t feel like it?
Still don’t feel like tidying up?
Why not sit back, relax with a cuppa and a book?
With Organising Room by Room you’ll still get inspired to start organising soon!