How organising ties everything together

I talk about everything organising. I have written about this for years . The topic organising, doesn’t grow old, if nothing else I keep getting more inspired. Why is that? Well organising can tie everything together your home, life, finances and happiness.

Love heart tied with a red lace

Let’s unpack these a bit:

Your home

When you start to get organised you are reducing clutter, you are gaining space both physically and mentally. When you have less crap in your house you will enjoy your house more, spending less money getting stuff, saving your money, time and sanity. All the while getting more and more organised and enjoying your home life more. Or you are realizing, it is time to move to something nicer (hopefully smaller). You will be ahead either spiritually, financially and own less shit because you simply haven’t got the space for it.

To me a comfortable place to go to on the end of the day or during the day is very important if you do it right (make it comfortable, warm, clean with great food and good company*) you can recharge your soul here.

 *I grew up in the Netherlands and like many Northern European countries we have a pre-occupation with the idea of being cosy or Gezellig as we call in Dutch. The English translation doesn’t do it justice because Gezellig is a way of life, you can have a ‘gezellig’ house, afternoon, evening with friends etc. It is an enriching experience to everyday life. More than 20 years after leaving the Netherlands I am still indoctrinated with this concept often looking for a ‘gezellig’ café for a coffee, when we go on holidays or get a new rental home my poor Australian husband is tasked with finding a ‘gezellig’ home where we can relax, recharge before we face another day in the outside world.

As Mr Money Mustache states:

A house to me is the home base of your spirit, and when you’re living a frugal and natural life, you spend a lot of time at home

Your life

When you start organising more than just your stuff you start to learn many things about yourself. What do you value? How would you like your days to look like? What is a perfect^ life for you? After you have decluttered and organised your stuff you can start to organise your life and here you find some other amazing treasures through more time, space and finances!

tied laces, lady relaxing


In my own life, I decluttered a relationship that wasn’t working, redid all my finances, thinked and worked hard at my career which is growing and expanding every year. I decluttered or got out of unpleasant working spaces and joined more positive challenging and fulfilling environments. In short if things don’t work I declutter it from my life. Iif they do, I organise it so I can soak it up even more.


Your finances

Save money in future - When you declutter items you realise how much money your past self has wasted, don’t feel to guilt maybe only feel the sting and move on.


Track your money with a budget -You start to be interested in being better with money you can simply start with tracking it, making sure you can live on what you earn (no credit card, car loans and other dumb shit).


Get financially ahead - after years of doing tracking with a YNAB budget, I was in a position where I had some more cash than I needed (a miracle after years of being a single parent pumping money into court proceedings, stupid car loans and trying to stay afloat).


Ultimate freedom – I am now joining the FI (Financially Independent) movement we are not there yet and I actually like my job so don’t want to retire anytime soon. However, being on the road to Financial freedom is amazing and it all started with decluttering stuff, organising my home and my life.


Your happiness

When you live in a comfortable space, have money in the bank, do work you enjoy what is next? Well, you start to think about happiness. What is it that drives you? I just entered my 40’s which is interesting because I feel even better than in my 20’s but also have this idea “holy shit” I might have another 40 or 60 years of this life thing left in me. My kids are teenagers now, what will I do? So, we start to dream about things we want to do before the kids grow up, how I want to be financially positioned in the next couple of years, how my days, weeks and months will look like.


So, there you have it organising ties everything together. You might start cleaning crap in your living room but if you keep at it - declutter and organise your home, life, finances and values this is a simple yet profound path to a good life.

Inspired by how Organising can influence your life?

I offer a range of products to help you learn about decluttering and organising and stay this way.


Action - Are you going to organise or simply intend to organise?


How to stay organised as an artist with your creative spaces?