How to organise the bathroom cabinet
On this page we look at how to organise a bathroom cabinet. Then we look at the bathroom in general and see how we can declutter, clean and organise the bathroom.
The bathroom cabinet is often the most cluttered space in a bathroom. So to organise the bathroom cabinet let's get started by taking everything out. Remove things you don’t want. Things that are now out of date and toss the items that you don’t use. After your declutter session in the bathroom, you are left with things you need and use regularly.
Have a look at the empty space underneath the sink and give it a wipe.
The secret to learning how to organise the bathroom cabinet. Is getting the right boxes in the nooks and crannies of this space. In line with logical groupings of the items you own. I would only go to the cheap shop after you have clear piles of things. And once you checked the dimensions and of the space underneath the sink.
When you purchase these plastic containers make sure you can return them. Sometimes containers don’t work out or you have too many. Now you can get back into the bathroom and organise the cabinet with empty containers. Once you have a configuration that works match the containers that fit with logical groupings of items.
For us we have the following groupings:
Hair care
Nail clippers
Extra soap and shampoo
A box of cleaning material
The hair dryer and the curler are loose on the shelf but could have their own box.
Learning how to organise the bathroom cabinet is a fun small project. Once you have done it, it can put a smile on your face every time you open the doors. It is a small reminder reinforcing the idea that you can get organised, one small area at a time.
Want to do more bathroom organising?
If you are still enthusiastic to do more lets dive into other parts of the bathroom as well.
Declutter and organise the bathroom
It is important to declutter and organise the bathroom as bathrooms are frequently used places.
When you start like the bathroom cabinet first focus most strongly on the declutter part.
Declutter and organise the bathroom
Get rid of things
Have a look at all your lotions and potions, do you like them, use them? If yes, keep them and group them together. If you do not like them, use them to clean or re-gift the item if it is still in its original package.
When you declutter and organise the bathroom look at everything very critically.
Ask yourself:
Can some of the hair ties go?
The kids’s bath toys, can you get rid of some of them?
Unused items
Which items are not used? Ask yourself why you are not using some these items in your bathroom?
It could be because it wasn’t such a good purchase to start with. Maybe you outgrew the item or didn’t even know you had it.
As with any decluttering phase remove all items that you don’t need and want.
The aim of this exercise is to only have the items left that you want to keep.
Note: In the bathroom, it is also important that you make sure the items are relevant in this space. As this space gets damp regularly, the bathroom isn’t conducive to all items that might live there (like cloths or make-up)
Items that just “live” in the bathroom
Don’t let things float
It is tempting to let things “float” in the bathroom.
There could be a few reasons for it:
We don’t have a home for our things. If this is the case scroll a little further and read about the bathroom baskets.
We don’t put things back often enough. This can be especially tempting with clothes. Rather than straight away putting things in the laundry or hanging them on the hook in our bedroom. When you leave your clothes on the floor, the bathroom can appear full of clutter and feel disorganised very quickly. If this is an issue, get yourself (and your family members) in a routine - put those clothes away asap.
Time to organise the bathroom
We have done the bathroom cabinet, do you need to get more baskets?
This is the fun part! There are very few places as fun to use baskets and caddys than in the bathroom. Other good news is, that if you have limited shelving, you can add quite a number of baskets. If it keeps your items separated and organised, this is the way to go.
I have experimented with several baskets over time and love the suction ones. If possible get the plastic versions because they clean easier and do not rust. You can even put them in the dishwasher when they need a clean.
In the video, I have very few little spaces (as there is no bathroom cabinet). The suction baskets have made a big difference in preventing clutter to float aimlessly and being homeless in my bathroom.
I also have a few stack-able boxes. These boxes include less frequently used bathroom items and some of the kid’s bath toys. When needed, these boxes are easy and quick to grab, on a day-to-day basis they are out of the way.
There is some space to keep the backup towels and lastly, there is a box for the cleaning cloths. This means that I am around five seconds away for the cleaning rags. Having these things handy, whilst in the shower, automatically means the bathroom and the sink get wiped down more often. Leaving the space cleaner, clearer and more organised.
How to clean your bathroom
So you want to learn how to clean your bathroom. If you are new to organising, cleaning and decluttering. Starting with something like the bathroom is a great idea. In most cases this is a small confined place that we visit frequently. And if we put the effort in we are reminded often about our hard work and progress. Which once organised can help us in the psychological reinforcement that we can organise and declutter. Overall the bathroom is one of the easiest rooms to clean. It is designed for regular cleaning. It is also perfectly okay if it gets wet (unlike for example your nice wooden furniture). Lastly, it is a great place to keep up and practice your maintenance. As maintaining the bathroom tends to be quick and easy as well.
Normally I don’t go into depth for cleaning but here I make an exception.
For cleaning the bathroom I suggest you:
Remove dirt first – this could include vacuuming if the area is dry
Scrub away the dirt in the cubicle or the bathtub, with some product, warm water, and a specific cleaning rag. Especially in the bathroom using a cream cleanser like Cif* is very useful. If need be use several cleaning cloths. I like to scrub with the Terry Toweling and wipe down with a microfiber cloth. When doing the sink or glass screen door. The Flylady cloths are the way to go as they make your space shine.
*Cif is the most well-known. I have several years ago opted for the environmentally friendly cream cleanser this works just as well.
Work from top to bottom, let gravity do the work for you. Just pick up, remove dirt and make things sparkle.
Do the floor last
Pick up your cleaning clothes and put them in the wash
When you are cleaning your bathroom
Check on your soap bottles are they empty, do they need replacing?
Throw the normal towels in the wash and put some new clean ones ready
Clean the toilet as well and check if you got enough paper on hand
If there is some clutter like empty wrapping, clothes etc. take this out of the bathroom
Make sure your bathroom feels comfortable once you are done
Need some inspiration?
Organising room by room is just the thing for you. Look through the pictures, relax and then start organising.
The psychology of cleaning anything really
Think a little differently
Don’t make this a massive to-do thing. Keep it simple! My rule is if it looks cleaner than when you started, you have achieved cleaning the bathroom.
In a lot of older bathrooms. It is impossible to make things perfect as there are scratches, sealants, mold, or tile issues. Simply do the best you can. Even though the bathroom is old it can still be clean.
Use your days off
Incorporate your exercise whilst cleaning the bathroom. This ties in with habits and routines, I normally clean the bathroom fortnightly on Saturday or Sunday morning. This is actually part of my exercise regime as it is physically demanding work.
I do most of my deeper cleaning on one of these mornings. This means I work up a sweat. The last room I do is the bathroom, which allows me to finish with a shower in a clean space. I wipe down the tub after. Normally it is still morning and I feel great on a number of levels. As I did both my exercise and miraculously the house is clean as well.
Some final tips and tricks to organise your bathroom
Have soap you don’t like? Use it to clean both the bathtub, shower screen, and toilet. This way there is no waste and you clean at the same time.
After your wipe down light a candle it will transform the atmosphere into one of luxury rather than a dread task.
Work cleaning the bathroom and the toilet in some form of a regular schedule. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Cleaning these spaces regularly is so much better than needing to scrub with a high-pressure hose once or twice a year. It also makes you feel better each step of the way. Your daily shower is more enjoyable and the cleaning is less demanding.