Organising meals
What is the thing you struggle with most in regard to organising? Mine at the moment is meals. I don’t particularly like cooking that much and with a busy schedule that is the last thing I want to do at night make an elaborate meal.
Here is my research to make meals, meal prep, and all that goes with it a bit more bearable.
These are some of the things that have worked so far:
Plan ahead, this takes different forms for different people. I find two weeks of meal planning is perfect for me. If you are still getting used to this pre-plan three nights ahead and slowly move it to a week’s worth of meals. Some people organise, prep, and freeze their meals for a month but with these types of ideas what works for your friend might not work for you, you’ll need to experiment prior to working out your system.
When you plan your meals make your grocery list at the same time. Preferably when you are in the kitchen area so you can check your fridge, freezer, and cupboard both might help with cooking inspiration as well as reduce your grocery bill.
Include snacks, fruit and veggie cut-ups in your meal planning this helps going for the chocolate and biscuits and helps you run around for last-minute snacks.
The thing I struggle most with is preparing dinner either in the morning or the night before. When you do this, however, no matter how your day is turning out dinner is a breeze.
Lastly, try to underachieve and over-deliver with dinners. A pumpkin soup or risotto in the pressure cooker can be done in minutes. Or a quick bowl of cut-up vegies for the slow cooker can save the day.
If you are anything like me and the kitchen is not where you would like to spend most time make every minute count and plan ahead. You’ll be glad you did.