Plan for Christmas: Stress-Free Tips for Early Christmas Preparation

Plan for Christmas

‘Is it Christmas soon?’ My daughter got very excited as we wandered around the shop. ‘Well yes, it will be Christmas in just under three months’. Can we set up the Tree? ‘No darling’. I then changed the topic, to her pocket money.  She could save some money to buy Christmas decorations she liked, which, got her distracted and she forgot about setting up the tree.

Christmas is still fairly far away but as the shops are preparing, but we can start organising for Christmas early.

If you are not convinced; think about last year. Were you running around at the last minute? If yes, start to think about things now and you will be fine this year. This week I’ll be writing lists of who to send Christmas cards to, what presents to buy, and what food to make.  

In regards to all these lists and questions; I like to make homemade presents as it is genuine and saves me lots of money in the process. We make jam and cookies weeks in advance. We have time to wrap it up nicely, make some extras’ for the people we didn’t expect to see or who unexpectedly bought us a present (there are always a few). I am not the greatest fan of the whole Christmas fanfare (yes bah humbug) but through planning and involving the children in most of the things that relate to Christmas. I enjoy myself, making and buying things, as well as planning for Christmas and I avoid those terrible days frantically running around in the Christmas rush.

Use this weekend and take a minute to ask yourself; how am I going to prepare for Christmas this year? I can guarantee, it will pay dividends through more time, less stress, and money spent, before you know it.

Plan for Christmas

Relax with a book

Or get a book as a present for that relative that could get more organised.

Note: part of this article was originally an Illawarra mercury article updated and refreshed in 2023


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